
Professional Summary

Senior Software Engineer with over 3 years of experience in multiple areas of the tech stack including concept design, Java back end development, unit testing and test automation, application packaging, configuration, and deployment. Former lead developer of the SDN-C containerized deployment solution. Currently a senior engineer on the Application Modernization team at AT&T, transforming and migrating legacy applications to the Azure Cloud.

Professional-Software Engineer @ AT&T

February 2021 to Present

  • Created a Python command line application that allowed for secure Azure Key Vault manipulation via the Azure REST API.

  • Converted a legacy Java Enterprise project with over 200 modules to a multi-module Maven project.

Member of Techincal Staff @ AT&T Labs

June 2019 to January 2021

  • Lead Cloud Platform Engineer of the SDN Controller Platform (SDN-CP) containerized solution.

  • Recognized by the ECOMP Platform and Systems organization for contributions to containerization.

  • Drove open source innovation with breakthroughs made during the internal containerization of the OpenDaylight SDN Controller.

  • Refactored the ONAP CCSDK GR-Toolkit plugin to provide an easily extensible framework for defining health check and failover behavior. Refactor also led to a performance improvement of 500ms quicker API responses.

  • Created a CI/CD pipeline using Maven, Docker, Jenkins, and Kubernetes to perform nightly application deployments.

  • Designed a Bash CLI tool for the Operations Team to interact with and remediate issues with a containerized SDN deployment.

  • Managed and coordinated Helm Chart deployments of the SDN-CP application to a private cloud Kubernetes cluster.

  • Hosted technical sessions tailored towards training engineers and operations teams to develop for, deploy, and support a cloud native application.

Software Engineer @ AT&T

July 2018 to May 2019

  • Lead engineer in the campaign to migrate AT&T's SDN Controller Platform deployment infrastructure from Linux virtual machine infrastructure to a lightweight containerized solution using Docker, Kubernetes, and Helm. This transition accomplished client-ready application deployments in 5-15 minutes versus 6-12 weeks.

  • Implemented a suite of Karaf OSGI OpenDaylight bundles designed to support a highly available and resilient geo-redundant architecture of clustered SDN Controllers, composed of offsite data backup, cross-site application health checks, and graceful site failover provisions. Following internal quality assurance, these bundles were contributed back to ONAP and the Linux Foundation to improve the quality and robustness of the OpenDaylight SDN Controller.

  • Created a module Spring Boot microservice centered around supporting high availability in a distributed SDN application. This microservice provided runtime extensibility for rapid feature prototyping and development, and scalable functionality.

  • Served as a member of the interview board for the Bothell location Technology Development Program. provided interview questions and criteria with the target of identifying new candidates with both the technical aptitude and business acumen essential for a successful career as an AT&T Software Engineer.

Applications Developer @ AT&T

January 2018 to June 2018

  • Designed a Node.JS microservice targeted at supporting integration and regression testing by simulating 31 service endpoints of 5 partner applications used by the SDN application. This microservice allowed test teams to execute test plans quicker and with more accuracy.

  • Executed automated feature regression and feasibility testing across 2 SDN applications by leveraging Python and the Robot Framework.

  • Adapted a 2-hour manual database audit reporting process into 5-second automated tasks through a series of Python and Bash automation scripts, allowing database administrators to reallocate their time and attention to higher impact assignments.